It will come as no surprise to many of you that I like cake. And it will come as even less of a shock that I like birthday cake. And so when my birthday comes around, I get super excited. Cake. Just for me. And with a mom like mine, you know it's always gonna be good. Mom outdid herself this year, with homemade Red Velvet Cupcakes with fresh Cream Cheese Frosting [editor's note: nom nom nom], and Shanleigh helped me make the girliest of birthday drinks, Shirley Temples!
Shanleigh also joined me tonight downtown for the First Friday Artwalk where we hobnobbed with artists and gallery owners, and mused over bicycle spoke bracelets and sketches on cardboard boxes. After the Artwalk, Tim, Terrill and Collin joined us at home, and our old neighbors on Cambridge, Bernie and Ayden came by to wish me a happy birthday (as well as to play Monstruro and run screaming through the house while chasing each other).
All in all, it was the best birthday I've had in years.
Here are a few pictures to make you jealous of my awesome 27th birthday. 
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