Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Beantown to Chi-town

After a dozen or so years in Boston that included college, finding a wife and having a daughter, not to mention being here for three Superbowl wins (two losses), two World Series wins, two NCAA hockey championships and, most recently, an NBA championship, I've taken and started a new job in Chicago! We've sold our house and have found a new one just blocks from Wrigley Field, and will be moving over the course of the next month. We're hoping for lots of visitors!

I started the new job (think: you and us) in March and have been flying back and forth quite a bit in the meantime. This weekend we had a get together to have a chance to say goodbye to many of our friends and family in New England. Here are some pictures from the event.

As we're getting used to the idea of riding the El and not the T and being near a lake and not the ocean, I don't think Carey, Lillie and I are ready to bleach our red socks just yet! On Sunday, Lillie went to her first baseball game and Carey and I got a last chance to go to Fenway Park for a while. We got a two-fer: the Sox won in extra innings by beating the Cubs' rival Cardinals!

One last note: you may have noticed that Elissa has added a family birthday calendar as well as links to some of the blogs, wikis and photo albums that we all update on our own. Be sure to send us your links if we missed any and check out everyone's other sites.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Getting down with the Celtics in P-Town

Conor and I got to watch a great game together last week at Touche week while he was in Portland for business. Between you and me - I know it was his headband that brought the Celtics to victory after being down (quite down) at the half :)

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

It's official!

About Time! Andrea and I are now a 4 degree household. Andrea is already talking about a 5th since my (2) strait beat her pair( of BAs). The thesis should be available online through the grad school if you REALLY want to read about:


But if you stop by the house I can give you a power-point presentation instead.

I actually graduated in march, it just took forever to get the degree with my name spelled right.

P.S. Accepted a permanent position at a local "research institute" which means a lot more time shuffling papers instead of mosquito larvae--you can't win them all.

Friday, June 06, 2008

If you're down with Petey, then you're down with me

Meet Petey! He's a Staffordshire/Bull Terrier mix who I adopted a few days ago from a dog rescue in Hillsboro. He is somewhere around a year and a half old, and still very puppy-like.

He is adjusting to his new home and excited to please :) He likes playing fetch, giving kisses, sniffing everyone and everything, a Kong filled with peanut butter and surprisingly, baths - he loves attention!

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Rocket Man!

We were all (Genie, Madelin, Catherine, Tim, and many other friends) Crocodile Rocking at the Sully last week for the Elton John Concert, thanks to Catherine and Andy's quick thinking we got the seats from the "hearing impaired" telephone number for Concert tix! They were great seats and we could hear quite well!