I've had a pretty eventful couple of months so I thought it was about time to post an update on the family blog.
I graduated from Dartmouth in June (see left) with a Bachelors degree in History and Government. I was so happy to have the whole family there -- we're standing in front of my dorm building in the picture. It rained and rained all the day of graduation, and the ceremony was held outdoors, so we were all pretty bedraggled by the end of it. It was sad leaving campus and my home of four years, but I'm hoping to go back for a visit sometime soon.
I've been back home in Anchorage ever since, and spent most of the summer sleeping in late and catching up with old friends. I also spent some time poking around at job opportunities, and made a couple of trips back East for interviews. In August, I was offered a great job working as a business consultant for Oliver Wyman Management Consulting in Boston. The job starts in January, and I'm all geared up to move out there and move into Conor's old apartment on Beacon Street! In the meantime, I'm getting some use out of my degree and substitute teaching High School Social Studies in Anchorage. It's fun and flexible, and I'm enjoying my last few months at home before the big move.
That's all of my news as of late -- hope everyone is doing well!